Monday 5 October 2009


end shot of holding hands
everything in street is in slow-motion
Liv and Derek walk down street
both walk towards door
cigarette stubbed out
Liv and Derek notice each other
shot of street with car lights effect
shot of someone getting rid of cigarette ash
sped-up shot of people walking on a street
pint glasses going down
shot of drag on cigarette
shot of car lights-streaks effect
shot of beer inb pint glasses going down
shot of beer in pint glasses going down
We see Liv go into the Alex
We see Derek go into the Alex

Lic catches glimpse of Derek
Liv walks down side-street

Liv walks past a bar and is felt shunned by it
Liv walks past a club and is shunned by it
Liv walks past a pub and feels shunned by it
Extreme-long-shot of dark busy city street
extreme-long-shot of sun going down
Liv and Derek holdind hand in a close-up
extreme-long-shot of Derek walking across a bridge
same shot as above
shot of Liv on her bycicle
shot of cigarette burning out
extreme long shot of Liv walking down dark road
shot of cigarrette being lit
shot of Liv on her bycicle
shot of Liv on her bycicle
over-shoulder-extreme-long-shot of Derek looking at landscape
point-of-view shot of street during the day
over-shoulder-extreme-long-shot of Liv looking across landcape at dawn
close-up of hands of almost touching through sunlight
close-up of light going through spokes of bycicle

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