Thursday 8 October 2009

Analysis of similiar music video Genre

Kate Nash- Foundations;

The video for Foundations by Kate Nash is a similair genre to the song which we are using for our music video. We wanted to analyse similiar music videos to our genre of song to get some intial ideas to help us to create ours. We wanted to use some similiar elements while still making ours unique.

Kate Nash plays the character in her song Foundations as if it is a real life situation that the audience are watching. The lyrics illustrate to the audience what is going on in the video, the lyrics fit together with what the audience actually see in the video. The visuals illustrate the lyrics. For example ''you meerly hate me in front of our friends'', at this point Kate looks at the gold fish; the gold fish representing her friends. The whole video tells a story.

Similarily the visuals also illustrate the music, it fits together well. For example the use of animation fits with the music, the socks move in time with the music.

Although the video uses Kate Nash to tell the story behind the song, the video does use animation of objects .The objects represent the two characters in the video; kate and her boyfriend. For example; the socks. The socks move into each other as if they are hugging, however when the lyric says 'i said i'd rather be with your friends mate cos' they are much fitter' the sock representing Kate moves into a big pile of socks; representing the friends. Again higlighting the illustration of visuals to lyrics.

The video doesn't have any obvious references to a particular film, however it does have a feel about it to a 'chick flick'. The storyline a relationship/break up is a main feature of a 'chick flick', also how the characters in the video are potrayed.

Ideas we liked: Kate acting as if it a real life situation. This element is one which we would like to use, having Liv playing the main character. This helps the audience to understand the lyrics and the story within the song.

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