Thursday 22 October 2009

Evaluation of Rough Cut

We have synced all the sound to all of the footage, which is not all in the right order. Only the parts where Olivia is singing is in the right order. The footage has been uploaded but not all of it has been put onto the video itself. the beginning of the video up to around 2 minutes have been put into the right order but we still need to do some more editing to make it perfect. we have done the most time consuming part of the video so we can focus on every little aspect of the video. for example with our animation shots we need to put them in the right speed. We may need to re-shoot one scene, this being with Derek and Liv on the grass. We felt the camera work was not steady. We need to put in all of our shots in the right order and with the right effects. with have done this with about two of three minutes of our song. we will obviously look over everything.

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