Monday 19 October 2009

Evaluation of Second Day's Filming

On our second day of filming we filmed all the shots at the pub and in city locations. The shots in the pub were of beer in pint glasses going down, also a short animation scene involving various items from around the pub. These shots took up the most time from the second day. We did not encounter any problems with these, the only thing that held us up was deciding how much lighting to use. It took a lot of time and patience to make these shots, however we managed to do it successfully. We had to change our ideas slightly as we hadn't thought it threw as well as we needed to but this did not create any real problems. The city location shooting was of Olivia walking down the street and of her cycling. These were not time consuming or difficult to shoot apart from navigating down the street as we filmed. Rosie, the camerman had to walk backwards so Derek had to guide her, which made it a little more difficult. Also we found filming Olivia cycling more difficult than usual as we had to move the camera at an exact speed, but we managed to get good shots. some Christmas lights were being put up on the same day, which fitted with our theme very well.

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