Thursday 8 October 2009

Locations around town

These are some of the locations that we are going to use:

The Alexandra Arms Pub, Cambridge
This is where we will film most of our inside footage i.e. the pints going down,
the cigarettes burning out in the ash tray, the clock going around.
This will be out starting place for Olivia walking aswell.

Mill Road, Cambridge
This is where we will be filming most of the walking and riding scenes for Olivia
And we will try and do some of just the cas and busses and bikes and speed them up to make Olivia looks like she is moving slowlyAnd we will also be using Mill Road bridge because there is good bright artwork which would look good in our music video and would suit our genre.

We would also like to use Parker's Piece
in cambrif=dge at night because it would give a sense of Olivia being lost
when everyone is around.

And out last location is The "Clunch pit" in Orwell.
We wanted to use this location because its a lovely location and would give us great views of the countryside

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