Thursday 26 November 2009

Research Into Album covers

To include:
- Bar code
- Track names (which can easily be read)
- A photo of the artist

Martin Sexton is also a folk artist which is why we chose to do some research into his albumn cover as it is relevant to our artist. The artist is the main part of the album cover, he is portrayed as a happy man suggesting that the songs on the album are upbeat and with a happy element to them. This has inspired us to make our album cover fit with the music on the album. The artists name is clearly written across the album so that you know what you are buying. For our album cover we will make sure that the artist's name will clearly be written across the cover. The sepia background produces a calming effect, making the artist seem more friendly, which adds to the acoustic feel of happiness. He is sitting on steps which represents a "working class" theme to the video, as rich people would rarely do this. it gives the effect he is equal to the rest of the people.

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