Monday 21 September 2009

Track Choices and Initial Ideas

We were given a CD with twelve tracks on it, we then choose 3 tracks that we liked the most. These included "Daffodils" by Charlene Soraia, "La Song" by Supergrass and "Recondition" by Autons. We chose these tracks as we believe the have good potential of becoming a effective music video.

Our initial ideas of "Daffodils" is to film a night in a pub/bar with lots of shaky close ups of the lead singer and also her to be lover. We would like to have a glow effect on the whole video with would mirror the folky calm music of the track. We would shot lots of close ups and personal shots of people in the pub. We would film pints emptying and cigarettes going out to convey time passing. Freeze on love interest, really shaky camera to show how the lover makes the girl feel. We would like the begin and end with a sunrise and sunset. We have thought of having the first verse shot in the cemetery down Mill Road, as it is really pretty and we could get lots of lovely shots of the girl walking through. We would like the add lots of pretty effects to add a fairytale effect to the video.

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