The whole of "Fell in Love With A Girl" is the band performing the song made of lego.
In "Knifes Out" there is a toy train that is seen repeatedly, the main woman in the video is made out of a life size "operation" board game and just her head and neck real.
Bjork's "Declare Independence" has has Bjork controlling a group of men who are connected to each other by wires that Bjork is holding. The way they are dressed and how Bjork is controlling them makes the men look like toy soldiers.
"A Change Would Do You Good" by Sheryl Crow is an extremely colourful. Sheryl is in the video and is seen casting spells on a little world, which shows Michel Gondry's characteristic of childhood coming through. There is a shot at the end where the screen is shown in a semi circle shape and the video spins round as though a part of a board game.
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